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No New Posts Waterfall Cavern

This very small cavern is located behind the waterfall. The walls are coated with ice that never seems to melt, and the whole place is freezing.
Rumours say that a rare pokemon was left here by her trainer over a thousand years ago, and waited there until she died. There isn't a lot here, though sometimes a trainer will wait here for a battle.
In the center of the cavern there is a strange rock, coated in ice like the everything else in the cave.
To get up here, you're going to have to have either a pokemon knowing Rock Climb or Waterfall.

[If an Eevee levels up here it will evolve into a Glaceon]

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Sally's Waterfall
This quiet and serene place is extremely beautiful, and unspoilt by pollution and buildings.
The waterfall is very large and wide, and at the top is a magnificent view.
Nowadays, trainers come here to find water type pokemon, and the odd ice type if they're lucky.
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