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No New Posts Sacred Fire of Kasai Town

This is the Sacred Fire of Kasai Town, said to keep the fire around the town away from coming closer to burn down the entire thing. Unlike in most of the other towns, here you are likely to see a few stray weak fire pokemon here to power themselves up... I wonder why that Magby got so much stronger all of a sudden...

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Kasai Town
Town of Kasai. The third town on your journey. This town is surrounded by fire to protect it from enemies. Once, there was a war with the different trainer types. So this fire was put up by a trainer's Moltres to protect the town from trainers who would want to attack. This town wanted to stay out of the war, that even when the war was over, the flames continued to burn. These flames around the city are special; they never go out. Yet an other mystery to be solved.
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